Tuesday 4 September 2012

Spokane to Highway 20 and the Highway 2 Loop

We went north from Spokane and caught the 20 at Colville, and headed west.  Beautiful day, beautiful scenery, and all the days were like that.
I thought this sign was hilarious!

Crossing the Columbia River

 Here's some scenic shots along the way.
This is an interesting stop off.  There were five mountains with wildfires on  them, and this stop had the history  of the area.

Some of the trees have regrown since 1994, but you can still see the trees that died during the fire.

A little further along Highway 20, we were told to make sure we see this specific trail - glad we stopped in.  Here's some pictures - sorry I forget the name of this overlook.
If you look to the left of where I'm standing you can see the road curve around.  We came on that road to get to the summit, where we are in these pictures.

Another picture of the road below.  The tree in the foreground is growing in a spiral.  Several of the trees we saw were, but we don't know what caused it.  Wind maybe?

Our stop in Republic.  If you get there, go to Esther's Mexican Cantina.  It's great!

Main Street Republic.

The happy passenger!
 When we finished Highway 20, we took the Chuckanut Highway up to Bellingham, took a break on their waterfront park, then headed to Everett on the I-5.  We stayed in Monroe that night, then took Highway 2 over to 97.  That's at Wenatchee, WA - in the Cascade Range and Forest.  Very pretty country through there.  Then north on 97 back to Canada.

Here's some pictures at the end of Highway 20, and me at the waterfront park in Bellingham.

And here is the start of  the Highway 2 loop of our trip.

This was taken from a bridge over a river along the way.

Lots of curves in the road along the way.

This was a mini waterfall - so pretty!

Heading into Leavenworth - the Bavarian town.

Picture from Wenatchee.

Oroville is the town just south of the Canadian border on Hwy 97.

At the border, waiting to go through Customs

Lake Okanagan.

And this is where we stopped in Revelstoke, BC.  This was the last leg of our vacation.

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